My Mattress Saving Banks
Client: Des’s
Back in the days of the financial crisis in Spain, we were tasked with promoting mattresses. But who can sleep during these tough times?
Banks and money were keeping us all awake at night, so we decided to help everyone reclaim their sleep. And thus, the product that everyone dreamed of was born: the first mattress with a built-in safe.
We proved our expertise in providing the ultimate in rest and relaxation by creating a safe haven for people's dreams, and the news of our invention went global.
Most importantly, every single one of our customers got a good night's sleep. And as for us, we stored away some awards in the safe. Sweet dreams, everyone.
Agency Team:
Executive Creative Director:
Beto Nahmad
Creative Director:
Oscar Moreno
Walter Belenky, Sonia Romero, Sergio Riquelme
Art Director:
David Sousa, Laia Prades
Agency: VCCP
Client: Des’s
Year: 2013
Cannes Lions 2013
Gold in Consumer Goods en PR: "Caja de Ahorros MiColchón" for DESS.
Silver Best Launch or Re-launch en PR: "Caja de Ahorros MiColchón" for DESS.
Festival El Sol 2013
Gold in Márketing Promo: "Caja de Ahorros MiColchón" for DESS.
Gold in Public Relations: "Caja de Ahorros MiColchón" for DESS.
Silver in Outdoor: "Caja de Ahorros MiColchón" for DESS.
Bronze in Branding ans Design: "Caja de Ahorros MiColchón" for DESS.
El Ojo de Iberoamérica 2013
Bronze in PR: "Caja de Ahorros MiColchón" for DESS.
FIAP 2013
Gold in PR-Medios: "Caja de Ahorros MiColchón" for DESS.
Eurobest 2013
Gold in PR: "Caja de Ahorros MiColchón" for DESS.